Tuesday, November 04, 2008


We had been to Seattle to see the fall colors, well to be completely open about it, apart from the 4-5 red trees at the MS campus, we saw none of the colors! But we sure did see the (in)famous Seattle rain :) It was just like back home, the downpour was so heavy and so continuous and it was so good to be seeing the rains after quite a long time. But when I think about it, guess as everyone there and the facts say, it could be quite depressing if it rains most of the times a day like it does there. That day only, we all were too interested in just lazying at home there, not at all in the mood to go out anywhere at all, though we had made these big plans to cover the whole of downtown that day! I cant even imagine how people can get up in this rain and get ready and go to work/ school/ do anything at all for that matter.
The last two days, its been raining pretty good in the Bay Area. But unlike the Seattle rain, here it made us go out the whole day, driving in the freeways in this rain is really fun :) The whole place is so beautiful and clean once it starts raining. And it does not become as cold here as in Seattle, so the rain here is more like in Kerala, I must say - except that there is no thunder and lightning to add the spice, its America after all, no spices ;)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Angane Oronam Koodi!

The second Onam after wedding, the second Onam far from where Onam is celebrated with all awe and happiness and full of people... :( Its Uthradam today, the first Onam. Already missed the sadya and I am sitting at home here, not yet decided whether or not to work from home at least tom, for Onam!
Remembering the Onam we used to celebrate at home, I am not able to keep myself fully happy! This time even at home, poor parents and granny are all alone, with my sis and I being away from home... They are still celebrating it as Onam should not be missed! And here, all potlucks are on Sat, as its not a working day and its so convenient for all. Sigh!
Leaving this post uncompleted...
Wish everyone a very happy Onam, where ever you are... Kaanam vittum Onam unnane :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tarangini - www.pampans.com

After weeks of vigorous practice, hard work of more than some 70 people and with huge amount of commitment from each and every participant... Yes, we did it!!! :) :) :)
The theatre was full, there were numerous people left behind as they got late in buying tickets, which got sold out days before the event... The audience were mesmerized by the talent of Ms Nirmala Madhava and her group, aging between 1 year to more than 38 yrs! Yes, it was all worth each and every minute spent by each and every one of us... We did a really good job, which was proved by the standing ovation Ma'm got from the wonderful audience :)
It was the very first time for me, being in such a large group of professionals and performing in such an environment... I must say I had a great time with all of them!
Lemme tell you all a little bit about my role... I was there in two dances, one was in a contemporary piece, in which I was part of the "hunter group". Yeah, a real hunter, catching and eating up the sweet cute peaceful peacocks, swans, deers and even the poor beautiful nature girls! There were 10 of us and we had an awesome time, doing what pleased us on stage! And yes, it was a big hit, as as far as I know, no one in the audience expected this and have never ever seen anything like this!
And now coming to the major part I had to play... I was Hiranyakashipu, the father of Prahlada and the one mean, egotist demon who gets killed finally by Lord Vishnu's Narasimha avatar. Narasimha was none other than our ma'm, and my role was pretty hot! I had a complete make over, with a long wig, and a kingly mustache! And the role was pretty interestign, as it involved being received by the "gopikas" and ordering to kill my own son and fighting with the gorgeous Narasimha and finally getting killed!!!
I am happy that I was able to do complete justice from my side to the role and yes, the response from the audience was also pretty good... Now, I am waiting for my Ma'm to give me a feedback... Hopefully she is impressed! :)
So, now my life has again the beautiful presence of dance... I hope I will be able to learn more and dance more and enjoy more... I must say here that I really dont know how I could handle all this without Vikas at my side, supporting me for anything and everything... Ya ya, he says he wants an SLR and he wants a house and he wants a Merc!!! ;)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Dance baby Dance!

After giving up my training in classical dance when I was 15, due to several reasons with "no time" being the most prominent, I have never missed dancing... till I reached the US. When in India, I always used to find some reason or the other to dance... dancing cos of happiness, dancing to release my tension, dancing as my friends wanted me to, dancing as there is some program (and there is lesser number of people to participate!)... But once I got here, I realized thats what I miss most in my life! Thanks to my husband, without even telling my parents, I joined again for dance classes... :) I thought if not on stage at least I can dance once in a week...
& voila! A lil' more than a month after I joined, our academy (see http://pampans.com/) decided to give a performance and I can proudly say that I am a part of it :) This is going to be the very first of its kind that I am going to o in my life.. Something that I have been wanting to be a part of so badly from dunno when... The music is just fantastic and the choreography is mind blowing! Hope all goes fine and we can give a grand performance exceeding the expectations of the more than 600 viewers!

Monday, May 05, 2008

May has come by!

Yes, April flew like that and May has come by. April, the month where I have most of celebrations geared around, including bdays of more than 1 family member, quite a number of friends, and most recently (and most importantly??) my wedding anniversary. But the month of celebrations, the month of spring passed so very quietly with my mind so full of confusions and setbacks and lack of time! Its said that what ever you ask for, God gives it to you. He may not give it directly, but in a twisted way and it is for you find out ways to mend it and bring it to your liking. I hope this new phase of my life also is something I can mend and regain my faith in that!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"College Sucks"!!

Please dont be misled by the title of this post. This happens to be the profile pic of my college community I am part of in Orkut. As a matter of fact, there are several communities of my college and this is one of them, which has been created & moderated by "kids" I dont know personally. Though I am not an active member (speaking of which I am not one of any of them!), I do like visiting this particular one as I get to know all updates of whats happening in my college, the curriculum, the placement (whoa! this one just amazes me), the staff, the happenings, everything. I guess thats one good thing about these kiddos. They seem to update each and every thing in here, just opposite to whats happening with my batch's one, which has not seen a vote/ comment posted in years! :D
Now I am not saying that I luuuvvvvddd my college when I was studying there. But this profile pic really did hurt me! :( I felt its ok to have discussions/ forums/ comments in the community against the college, cos c'mon, "its after all a place to discuss your feelings". But putting a pic like this! Man, I was depressed :( I felt like removing myself from it, but then I saw that so many of my batch mates were there and again, I didn want to miss all the discussions & the up-to-date news there. Of course I can still read them without being a part of it, but then whats the point! If I am interested in whats happening there, I should have the courtesy to come out in the light and admit it!
I have posted a comment there asking if the profile pic is really needed. Now lets see whats going to happen with that! I dont really know the kids these days, mabbe they will think I am just an ol woman accusing them ;) But my question is, after all that you are going to be benefited from from being in the college and the simple fact that you whole heartedly joined the college in the first place, is this really needed?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Water water everywhere!!!

Miami beaches, phew! We got 2 days to spend here, thanks to Florida having nothing more to offer for a 7-day tour. And we never regretted it :) First day there, we spend our entire day in the cool, clear water. And it led to some important discoveries I never knew about myself. I am afraid of going too deep into the water :( :( :( I grew up with the Shangumukham beach in Trivandrum to my expense when ever I needed it and as far as I can remember, my pa & I were always in the water when ever we got to the beach! Even the southern-most tip of India - Kanyakumari , was not so far and we enjoyed it so very much there as well. And suddenly now, when I went to the North and South Miami beaches, I couldn force myself to got too deep into the water or to remain in the water for too long, even after hubby's persuasion and coaxing and what not! And I couldn bring myself to believe in that, and kept on trying to calm myself saying stupid things like "mabbe its just cos u dont know the Atlantic Ocean"!!! Have you ever experienced such a sudden change in ur interests/ aptitudes/ fears??
Anyways, coming back to what I started off... So, one day was full of beaching (of course bird-watching included ;) ) and getting ourselves "tanned"! The second day was spend roaming around the beautiful avenues and sitting on the sand, building moulds on my legs!
Here, I HAVE to mention the Collins Avenue, the center of attraction with almost all the designer labels I know of (and much more I have never heard ;)), the too crowded pathways with the hot-hotter-hottest gals & guys, the scooters with the coolest chicks vrooming around shouting in their highest shrilling voices and the hip restaurants, which of course we couldn go, thanks to the aroma of the seafood floating all across the streets.
And as they say, the beaches here are celebrity shooting spots :) And we did get a chance to see a photo-shoot, with the bare chested six-pack hunk in his faded jeans torn too very badly at his knees and his all the more handsome photographer. The hunk giving all sorts of poses, sitting-standing-lying down-rolling on the sand, and what not!!! And as soon as he left, I also did a photo shoot with my ___ pack hubby darling as my object of photography :D
In all, the experience I had there, phew!! Cant compare it with anything I have seen/ heard so far in my life!!! A must-go place for everyone who love water and for everyone who want to have some real fun & want to party real hard :)