Tuesday, November 04, 2008


We had been to Seattle to see the fall colors, well to be completely open about it, apart from the 4-5 red trees at the MS campus, we saw none of the colors! But we sure did see the (in)famous Seattle rain :) It was just like back home, the downpour was so heavy and so continuous and it was so good to be seeing the rains after quite a long time. But when I think about it, guess as everyone there and the facts say, it could be quite depressing if it rains most of the times a day like it does there. That day only, we all were too interested in just lazying at home there, not at all in the mood to go out anywhere at all, though we had made these big plans to cover the whole of downtown that day! I cant even imagine how people can get up in this rain and get ready and go to work/ school/ do anything at all for that matter.
The last two days, its been raining pretty good in the Bay Area. But unlike the Seattle rain, here it made us go out the whole day, driving in the freeways in this rain is really fun :) The whole place is so beautiful and clean once it starts raining. And it does not become as cold here as in Seattle, so the rain here is more like in Kerala, I must say - except that there is no thunder and lightning to add the spice, its America after all, no spices ;)


DD said...

Come to Tampa, it is the Lightning Capital of North America. Plenty of spice

Roshini said...

Hehe, then I sld visit Tampa durin rainy season! Then cant complain any more about things I miss, bein in US!